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刘玉燕,教授,女,1971年2月出生,新疆奇台县人,博士生导师。 1991-1995年就读于陕西师范大学,获学士学位;2003-2006年就读于华东师范大学,获硕士学位;2006-2009年就读于华东师范大学,获博士学位。1995-2016年于昌吉学院从事教学、科研工作;2009-2011年于北京林业大学从事博士后研究工作;2016年至今于海南师范大学从事教学、科研工作。










1. 城市土壤特性及污染研究,第一完成人,海南省科技进步奖二等奖,2023 年。

2. 新型污染物 PGEs 在城市环境中的累积、迁移与归趋,第一完成人,海南省科技进步奖三等奖,2022 年。

3. 天气因素对道路灰尘铂族元素累积的影响,第一完成人,新疆自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖,2014年。

4. 海南省首届优秀研究生导师,2022年。

5. 海南师范大学优秀研究生导师团队负责人,2023年。



1. 2022年,主持国家自然基金“热带河口固液悬浮体系中钯(Pd)的相间分配及其模拟” (编号:42261018)。

2. 2019年,主持国家自然基金“湿沉降对PGEs迁移的作用机理——以海口为例” (编号:41867060)。

3. 2015年,主持国家自然基金“干旱区气候条件下城市环境重金属多界面归趋机理与模拟”(编号:41461090)。

4. 2012年,主持国家自然基金“干旱区城市道路环境铂族元素(PGEs)累积过程及机制研究—以乌鲁木齐为例”(编号:4110149)。

5. 2010年,主持教育部人文社科项目“主体功能区政策背景下新疆贫困县可持续发展对策”(编号:10XJJA63002)。



1. 通讯作者,Wang Lin, Liu Yuyan*, Zhang Yiwei, Chen Siwen, Zhang Niuniu, Wang Zefeng, Liu Haofeng. Estimation and potential ecological risk assessment of multiphase PAEs in mangrove wetlands in Dongzhai Harbor, Hainan[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 870:161835.

2. 通讯作者,Zhang Yiwei, Liu Yuyan *, Zhang Niuniu, Wang Zefeng, Chen Siwen, Liu Haofeng*, Wu Dan, Zhang Lan. Variation in the concentration of particulate Pd in the Nandu River Estuary during spring-neap tides[J]. Chemosphere, 2023,320:138041.

3. 通讯作者,Wang Lin, Liu Yuyan*, Ding Fangfang, Zhang Yiwei, Liu Haofeng. Occurrence and cross-interface transfer of phthalate esters in the mangrove wet land in Dongzhai Harbor, China[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 807:151062.

4. 通讯作者,Ding Fangfang, Liu Yuyan*, Zhang Lan, Ji Caiye, Wu Dan, Wang Lin, Liu Haofeng. The effect of rainfall runoff on phase partition of palladium in receiving water bodies and the underlying influential mechanism[J]. Chemosphere, 2022, 287:132109.

5. 通讯作者,Liu Haofeng, Ding Fangfang, Liu Yuyan*, Zhang Lan, Wu Dan. Solid–liquid partitioning and variation of palladium in rainfall runoff[J]. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2022, 44(8): 2407-2417.

6. 通讯作者,Ding Fangfang, Liu Yuyan*, Wang Lin, Liu Haofeng, Ji Caiye, Zhang Lan, Wu Dan. Analysis of the palladium response relationship of a receiving water body under multiple scenario changes in rainfall-runoff pollution[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(21): 26684-26696.

7. 通讯作者,Ding Fangfang, Liu Yuyan*, Wang Zucheng, Ji Caiye, Wu Dan, Wang Lin, Fu Bo, Zhang Lan, Liu Haofeng. Response of palladium in receiving water bodies to rainfall-runoff[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(8): 10027-10038.

8.通讯作者,Liu Yuyan*, Fu Bo, Shen Yaxing, Yu Yongxin, Liu Haofeng, Zhao Zhizhong, Zhang Lan. Seasonal properties on PM1 and PGEs (Rh, Pd, and Pt) in PM1[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2018, 9(6): 1032-1037.

9. 通讯作者,Liu Yuyan*, Tian Fangfang, Liu Cheng, Zhang Lan. Platinum group elements in the precipitation of the dry region of Xinjiang and factors affecting their deposition to land: the case of Changji City, China[J]. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2015, 6(2): 178-183.

10. 第一作者,Liu Yuyan, Wang Zucheng*, Zhang Lan, Tian Fangfang, Liu Cheng. Spatial and temporal distribution of platinum group elements(PGEs) in roadside soils in Shanghai and Urumqi[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015, 15(9): 1947-1959. 

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